Your car is likely one of the most expensive and prized possessions. So when you face a situation that you have to put away your car in a storage unit, be it during relocation or during cold winter months, you could be feeling weary as to whether you will get back your car in the same immaculate condition in which you have kept it. Rusting of fuel systems and components, leaking batteries, tires deflating, the list of things which can go wrong seems endless.
However, you need to take some preparatory steps before you put your car in storage. Such precautionary action can ensure that your car remains in the condition that you want:
Select the right storage unit for your car. If you choose outdoor storage facilities, your car gets protection against burglary or vandalism, but not from inclement weather conditions. Indoor storage units can, on the other hand, protect your car from poor weather conditions as well as offer shelter for the car. Contrary to popular belief, use car covers only when you are storing your car in an outdoor facility.Before storing your car, fill her up fully. This prevents gas accumulation and may cause rusting. To prevent oxidation of the gasoline you could include a fuel stabilizer in the form of additives. This way the gasoline does not get sticky during storage.Change the oil and filter before you put away the car for storage.
The tire pressure should be just right if you keep the car in short term storage. On the other hand, put up the car on jack stands if you plan to store it for a long time. This can prevent the tires from being under the pressure of the car. Check the user manual to know the exact position of the car jack stands.
Thoroughly clean and wax your car, both exterior and interior. Use vacuum cleaning for the inside of the car, including the carpets. Wash the undercarriage of the car including the wheel wells. This can protect the car from rust and corrosion during storage.
Disconnect the batteries and all electrical connections. Remember long-term storage may require a battery replacement.
Do not forget to release the parking brake. Damage of the rotors is possible if you do not do this, before the car is stored.
The most important point to remember before you store your car is that you should protect from moisture, prevent rust formation and corrosion during storage. A car storage facility that is dry, safe and well-maintained should be your choice when choosing a unit.